This blog time travels to the future and monitors the Martian blog of "He Who Towers". Eavesdropping on the future reveals that the Martian, "He Who Towers", is an amateur archaeologist in the 125th Millennium (Earthtime) who blogs about his studies of now extinct Earthling cultures. His specialty is 20th and 21st Century Earth civilizations.
Friday, June 17, 2011
As most of my readers know, I rarely delve into personal matters on this blog, confining my reflections mostly to archaeological matters, but at the demolition of my Great Aunt Log Cabin recently, several scanalogues came into my possession. You are familiar with my façade, there to the left, which you’re probably getting tired of seeing in my blog profile, but the other scanalogue (below) is of two of my great great great grandfathers of nearly 100,000 genuflects ago.
As you can see they were twins. What is most exciting to this archaeologist, something I’m pretty certain my Aunt Log did not recognize she had, are the primitive dwellings viewed in the background, behind my two ancestors. Even more exciting is the close resemblance those ancient Martians, May the Great Architect Who Watches Over Us Bless their Chips, bear to what the Earthlings called their “dwellings” or, sometimes, “houses”. In fact, the evidence in this scanalogue is so confused that I’m not certain if this artifact was scanned on Earth or on ancient Mars. This is not the first time, as I’ve pointed out in past blogs, that Martian archaeologists, working their digger drones on Earth, have uncovered artifacts that show a strong connection between Earthling dwelling places and our own Martian bodies. But how or when we Martians colonized Earth or transported ourselves down to the surface of that planet, and in such primitive conditions, if such be the case, we have no evidence to date. Although, Dr. Walkup w/bath, in his paper, “Hollow Echoes of Past Kitchens” (genuflect 574,342) argues strongly for the connection between Earthling dwelling places and our beautiful and enduring Martian facades and structures, there is little evidence to support his claims. Dr. Walkup reminds me, and several of my fellow archaeologists, of the Earthling male recently discovered, called A Rich Von Danican, whose 20th Century books suggested that Earthlings were brought to Earth by what they called “aliens”, that is, if you want a chuckle, us. Well who knows, really. Shut the door and close my room—stranger things have been disked. View you next time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
After genuflects of delving into the practice of “arm raising by Earthling females”, Martian Professor Tudor Revival has unearthed and collected thousands of documents which reveal the practice in all its permutations. He has recently communicated to me samples of his vast collection of “arm raising female Earthlings” after collaging them on 8-1/2 by 11 specimen paper.
Arm raising among Earthling females seems to have increased in scope and significance in 20th Century world culture, but we do not know whether this is because they did not develop the technology to document the practice before that time or whether it simply was not practiced before then. Martian archaeologists assume that any practice they uncover in an Earthling era must have roots in its earlier times. That is the case with most cultural practices archaeologists examine. If we find it at one time and place, we generally can expect to find it in permutations at other times and places. Cultural change functions in that manner.
We do have a single piece of evidence that nearly proves that the Earthling arm raising practice dates at least to mid-19th Century on the NATO continent. There an artist named John September Ingrate painted the piece of work below, sometimes called simply “odaliskue” and sometimes by others “risqué” in tones of opprobrium. In that painting [below] the raised arms are obvious already in practice. And one cannot escape the conclusion that the large figure on the right, in white wrappings but nearly without facade, in Dr. Revival’s specimens is copying almost identically the pose of the female earthling in the Ingrate figure.
Did the practice have religious significance? Professor Big House suggests in his paper, “The Religious Significance of Arm-raised Gestures in Late 20th Century Earth Culture” (genuflect 200,956) that indeed they were religious gestures. He points out the almost universal expressions of joy or transcendence on the malleable faces of the Earthling females in Professor Revival’s examples. However, Professor Large Rancher 2br & 1/Bath, in his paper, “Uplifting Gestures of Disgust” (genuflect 400,321) notes that the earlier figure by Ingrate doesn’t seem happy at all, and he notes the bored expression of the figure (male or female) beside the reclining female. If it were a religious posture, he reasons, the figure to the left would not be bored with what he is watching, unless, of course, the painting is a sly or ironic comment on the religion of the females. Maybe the figure on the left is the artist himself, commenting with his bored expression on the arm-raised female Earthling.
Finally, what are we to make of the dark figure in the background? That adds a very interesting ambiguity to the entire motif, religious or otherwise.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Professor Condo w/Riverview’s recent paper, “Can Martians Be Gay?” (genuflect 547,008), published in Martian Archaeology Today is based on this recently unearthed Earth artifact and has raised much controversy, swirling around in the rafters, the upper beams, of yours truly as well as much of the amateur Martian archaeological scene.
Professor w/Riverview claims that the figure to the right in this photogravure artifact is an extremely primitive Martian species that evolved on Earth from which we Martians may have somehow descended. He says the Martian, as he calls it—“the copier”—stands in relation to modern Martians in time as the flatworm stood in time to the Earth’s homo sapiens species just before it ceased to exist. He claims, further, that the copier must have been a slave, forced, for some inexplicable reason, to copy or replicate Earthling scribbles and, even, something called a “print out”. The copier’s place in Martian genealogy, he asserts, compares favorably to an Earthling Creationist, also a copier enslaved by certain writings to repeat over and over the same silly things. Creationists were a very backward and ancient Earth species that managed to survive parallel to but without the mental development of the Natural Selectionist, the most advanced species on 20th through 23rd Century Earth. And, finally, Professor w/Riverview believes that the juxtaposition of what he claims to be a Martian with the obviously Earthly gay couple to the Martian’s right, on what he calls the Martian’s “excreta side”, suggests that, perhaps, some early Martians might also have been gay. A tenuous claim at best.
In a paper, published also in MAT (genuflect 547,012), “What A Dumb Thing To Say,” Professor 2BR Starting at $500,000 disputes Dr. w/Riverview’s assertion. He points out, obviously, that Martians have always been asexual beings, created and maintained, not by sexual activity but by our Drones. He observes, secondly, that there is no, or little, evidence in the literature to support Dr. Riverview’s basic premise that “the copier” is a forerunner to modern Martians. He further writes, “If, indeed, the copier is in any way related to the gay couple’s sexuality wouldn’t one of them also be connected to the copier by way of the hand and arm coupling devices by which the two Earthlings are connected?” In fact, Dr. $500,000 claims that the copier seems to be behind the gay Earthlings, off to the side, as if standing aloof from them, perhaps, even, “judging them”. And, finally, he points out that gay Earthling males were not usually known to couple by means of hand/arm devices. Very little photogravure evidence for such hand/arm coupling exists, while, on the other hand, much evidence, culled from the numerous porndoggy files of gay male interactions in Martian possession, shows them coupling and interacting by means of other body devices. So, perhaps, he climaxes, the two Earthlings in the photogravure are not gay at all.
Professor Walkup in Brooklyn, the model for all outlandish Martian claims, has introduced an even more bizarre idea in his book, Letters To A Dronean Nation (genuflect 545,240). As we all know, he has long claimed that Earthlings were somehow involved in the earliest beginnings of Martian history. He is the most notable proponent for the claim that our Martian government has been covering up the existence of a crashed Earthling space craft at some time in the 21st Century Earth Time from which all Martian structure-life has evolved. With the release of the Riverview artifact, Professor Brooklyn has expanded his claims. He currently contends that Earthlings were not only somehow involved in early Martian life on Earth but that they created Martians. He asserts, with some force, that if one looks closely at the arrangement the two Earthlings create with their two bodies, joined as they are by hand/arm devices, he will see that they spell out the letter “M” (for Mars?) with their two bodies. He proposes that the two Earthlings were somehow trying to communicate to the future, perhaps in a time capsule now lost, that the copier on their left was a creature of their own making. Which would mean for Martians that, indeed, there is a God and that He is a gay Earthling male and not a Drone, or, actually, two gay Earthling males.
To the readers of this little blog before you, let me conclude with my own sentiments: “How absolutely Green Cheese.”

Professor w/Riverview claims that the figure to the right in this photogravure artifact is an extremely primitive Martian species that evolved on Earth from which we Martians may have somehow descended. He says the Martian, as he calls it—“the copier”—stands in relation to modern Martians in time as the flatworm stood in time to the Earth’s homo sapiens species just before it ceased to exist. He claims, further, that the copier must have been a slave, forced, for some inexplicable reason, to copy or replicate Earthling scribbles and, even, something called a “print out”. The copier’s place in Martian genealogy, he asserts, compares favorably to an Earthling Creationist, also a copier enslaved by certain writings to repeat over and over the same silly things. Creationists were a very backward and ancient Earth species that managed to survive parallel to but without the mental development of the Natural Selectionist, the most advanced species on 20th through 23rd Century Earth. And, finally, Professor w/Riverview believes that the juxtaposition of what he claims to be a Martian with the obviously Earthly gay couple to the Martian’s right, on what he calls the Martian’s “excreta side”, suggests that, perhaps, some early Martians might also have been gay. A tenuous claim at best.
In a paper, published also in MAT (genuflect 547,012), “What A Dumb Thing To Say,” Professor 2BR Starting at $500,000 disputes Dr. w/Riverview’s assertion. He points out, obviously, that Martians have always been asexual beings, created and maintained, not by sexual activity but by our Drones. He observes, secondly, that there is no, or little, evidence in the literature to support Dr. Riverview’s basic premise that “the copier” is a forerunner to modern Martians. He further writes, “If, indeed, the copier is in any way related to the gay couple’s sexuality wouldn’t one of them also be connected to the copier by way of the hand and arm coupling devices by which the two Earthlings are connected?” In fact, Dr. $500,000 claims that the copier seems to be behind the gay Earthlings, off to the side, as if standing aloof from them, perhaps, even, “judging them”. And, finally, he points out that gay Earthling males were not usually known to couple by means of hand/arm devices. Very little photogravure evidence for such hand/arm coupling exists, while, on the other hand, much evidence, culled from the numerous porndoggy files of gay male interactions in Martian possession, shows them coupling and interacting by means of other body devices. So, perhaps, he climaxes, the two Earthlings in the photogravure are not gay at all.
Professor Walkup in Brooklyn, the model for all outlandish Martian claims, has introduced an even more bizarre idea in his book, Letters To A Dronean Nation (genuflect 545,240). As we all know, he has long claimed that Earthlings were somehow involved in the earliest beginnings of Martian history. He is the most notable proponent for the claim that our Martian government has been covering up the existence of a crashed Earthling space craft at some time in the 21st Century Earth Time from which all Martian structure-life has evolved. With the release of the Riverview artifact, Professor Brooklyn has expanded his claims. He currently contends that Earthlings were not only somehow involved in early Martian life on Earth but that they created Martians. He asserts, with some force, that if one looks closely at the arrangement the two Earthlings create with their two bodies, joined as they are by hand/arm devices, he will see that they spell out the letter “M” (for Mars?) with their two bodies. He proposes that the two Earthlings were somehow trying to communicate to the future, perhaps in a time capsule now lost, that the copier on their left was a creature of their own making. Which would mean for Martians that, indeed, there is a God and that He is a gay Earthling male and not a Drone, or, actually, two gay Earthling males.
To the readers of this little blog before you, let me conclude with my own sentiments: “How absolutely Green Cheese.”
Saturday, May 12, 2007

As we have long known, glossy artifacts meant very much in the Earthling scheme of things. The glossier the artifact, the more significant the act or object being portrayed. Professor w/2BR-2BA points to the stick thin figure of the Earthling female as evidence of her advanced stage of starvation and to the Earthling’s evident avoidance of stepping in what looks like a piece of what may be human waste product. Perhaps, her own? Or maybe she has already stepped in it and is recoiling in religious disgust or shame? And she is also well-dressed, fashionably so. He proposes she may be a type of religious female famed for their sacred “scat singing”?
Professor w/2BR-2BA asserts in an earlier paper that even before food became very scarce, it had begun to develop religious significance among Earthling populations. Though there is very little evidence for such a claim, Dr. w/2BR-2BA has uncovered rumors of a religious singer named Elephant Gerald who supposedly sang in the early part of the 20th Century in the GoodolUSofA. This singer was rumored to be an extraordinarily obese member of the Earthling species, Homo Saps, and she is said to have developed the art of “scat” singing. Other very tenuous evidence has come from scraps of artifacts that connects the word “scat” to all Earth species, from the Hypo-potenuse, an aquatic species, to the Iiontigerbear, most feared in the jungles of Munchkinlandia. Hunters were said to look for signs of “scat” when they hunted. Therefore, we can be fairly certain that “scat”, which was an animal defecant, was somehow connected with the practice of “scat singing” or singing about defecation by the obese singer Elephant Gerald.
“Why did humans wish not to step in scat” is another question posed by the artifact before us. Professor w/2BR-2BA draws a connection that is very tenuous about this matter. He points out that there was once a moving photo series called “Solient Green” about Earthlings being tricked into eating one another’s bodies. He proposes that one day we will uncover another moving photo series, possibly called “Solient Brown”, in which Earthlings will be portrayed eating scat as well. So, of course, one would avoid stepping in his potential food.

Another point in dispute. Is the object at the female’s feet actually Earthling scat? Since we are not entirely sure what Earthling waste products looked like (it was biodegradable after all), we Martians have been forced to assume many variables when discussing the shape and form of human defecants. We do know that humans “shat”. We found evidence of that act of defecation in their mythology as put forth in their book of myths, the Dribble. Since we Martians have no concept ourselves of the process of “shatting”, we are hard pressed to understand this Earthling trait. Some Martian archaeologists even claim that some Earthlings believed that their Mythological Superbeing “shat” out the Earth and the Heavens, that “shatting”, therefore, was an act of creation. This hypothesis was supported at the time by the work of the nearly mythological Creationists, if indeed, such ignorant Earthlings ever existed.
Further proof of the glorification of human scat was the expression often used by Earthlings—“Holy Shit!” Shit, we have reason to believe, was another term for scat. Another sign of the deification of scat was that in certain quarters, males, and only male Earthlings, were said to sit on thrones (see above) while they shat and read their papers or tea leaves, and many times, we have come across the notion, still to be proven, that Earthlings, at least the Homo Saps, were somehow empowered by the act of sitting on a throne. Such importance can only mean that there is some connection between scat and power. Religious power? Some Earthlings, specially those at the top of Earth Cultures, were often reported to be “full of scat” by those beneath them—being “shat upon”, we must ask? One American president, a certain George W. Bush, was said to be especially “full of scat”. He sat on his throne very early in the 21st Century, so we can see, in that case, how very early on shatting was beginning to gain significance.
As ever, my fellow blogsters, I’m in your indebtedness for reading my little musings on the archaeological happenings of Martian archaeologists busily digging into the surface of that airless, burned out small planet, called Earth.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Then, again, as we’ve mentioned, many Earthlings also held the quaint idea that hypothetical superbeings controlled the changes that natural selection visited upon them and refused to accept the heavily documented concept of natural selection. They held these beliefs without the least shred of evidence to support them. Some Martian archaeologists have developed the idea that human life on Earth ended when their “believers in nothing concrete”, as we, the ultimate Concretes or Materialists, name it, ran amok and “brought down the house”, as we would say, with internecine strife and atomic sword play.
Of course, we Martians also believe in the concept of modernization, that is, the process by which our robot servants modernize our facades and change our interior spaces to make ever more room for bigger and better chips and energy sources. For many centuries, now, our robots have been beyond our controlling them, and we find ourselves being changed from time to time without our having to think or plan about it. One day, a construction drone appears, and voila, things beyond our control happen to us. We are so used to it that we hardly comment anymore when things happen to us. We just go with the energy flow.
Could this fellow, pictured in Dr. Deck’s artifact, be one of the last stages of evolution on Earth? And what of this “healthier egg”? We know that Earthling culture, specially the female Earthling culture, was obsessed with putting on weight. We find artifacts everywhere which speak about weight gain, and, evidently, they were getting pretty good at “putting on the pounds”. Some evidence being developed during their 20th Century suggests that in the GoodOlUSofA people were having much success at weight gain. The practice was spreading too. Other nations, like Nippon and DeGaulland, were beginning to put on the pounds as never before according to fragmentary news-spreading documents we have gathered. It does not take too much imagination to see that this artifact, with its high-gloss paper, could be a “mind-alterer” (GoodOlUSofAers were specially good at mind-altering), celebrating the creation of an egg-thing that might help Earthlings to put on the pounds. Who better to develop the egg than the chicken, we must ask. And I do believe that this artifact may put to rest that perennial Earthling question Martian researches have come across, “What came first—the chicken or the egg?”
Thursday, January 18, 2007

The strongest evidence for Professor First Month Rent Supplied's artifact representing those features of a "militant feminist" or "feminazi" (so the fat man with the small, drug-addled brain called them) is that she seems to have burned her "bra", the covering with which female Earthlings hid their baby-feeding devices from which larger males also seemed to try and get nurishment, acording to limited information coming through the good work of Professor Two Room Apt in his seminal paper, "Motels and Other Earthling Breeding Grounds" (genuflect 345,009). He has been diligently reading through and viewing that terribly boring stuff called "porno" by male Earthlings who seem to have had a bottomless apetite for the silly stuff in which grown men and women rub together and utter loud and endless grunts and groans. We have yet to fully understand this Earthling behavior, but we think it may have something to do with streetside vending as so many females in certain large cities often offered "things" for sale by the byways and streets of those large cities.
Anyhow, we shall understand more and better as we continue our researches into the ever surprising Earthling culture.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Martian archaeological drone teams under the watchful eye of Professor Wigwam de la Prairie, working in the great western reaches of the Central American Continent of Earth, as distinct from the Northern Continent and the Southern Continent (even though that Southern land mass is now an island, separated by several miles of water from the two upper land masses because, we think, a land bridge that once connected them is now awash in water oceans), continue to turn up fascinating artifacts from 21st Century American cultures. For genuflects, our drone teams have been uncovering teasing, unsubstantiated references to a great American presidential monument somewhere in the Wild West Regions which archaeologists have tentatively translated as “Mountain Rushing Gnat Monument”. Recently, Dr. de la Prairie uncovered and partially restored the artifact which is displayed above.
After much discussion we think this may be a partial rendering of that very Monument. The three faces (we had expected five—the fifth being the face of President E. Presley who was said to have been resurrected from the dead and elected to office sometime in the 21st Century, Earth Time) are without a doubt monumental, imposing and seemingly carved into adamantine material. We cannot determine which presidents’ faces were on the original Monument but the faces revealed in this striking artifact are all presidential and may, in their look alikeness, hint at the processes of cloning which were stirring in the Earthling eras of my interest. Even a scientist must be allowed his imagination. I would like to think that, maybe, one of the three heads represented here is the head of the resurrected Elvis.
And again, I must call my readers’ attentions to the primitive, Martian-like bodies to the right of the Monument, if indeed, it is a rendering of the Monument. Repeatedly, we Martian archaeologists come across these teasing connections between Earthling dwellings and our Martian bodies, but our Martian bodies don’t have Earthling DNA so the connection cannot be of the evolutionary nature that brought the human animal to perfection and then to extinction.
The things on the cheekbones of the Earthlings are called “glasses”, but they do not look anything like the glasses of liquid H2O that earthlings were known to drink from. Dr. de la Prairie in his paper, “Gulping Their Way To Hydration” (genuflect 223,002) has tried to suggest various ways that those facial decorations could be made to yield up liquid for human consumption, but I am not convinced.
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