This fragmentary artifact represents a scene of decapitation just microseconds before what Earthlings called a U[P]O or flying cup holder (?) struck the neck of an unfortunate Earthling female. During this time period in 21st Century Earth history, many wild religious people, called Moosdomes, who wrapped their heads in towels and draped white tents over their bodies, were wandering the Earth globe in angry groups and practicing their art of cutting off heads. They called this travel, going on HeeHawd, a practice named, we believe, after a 20th Century GoodolUSofA TV show full of straw and human males in bib overalls and female humans in short shorts. Perhaps these Moosdomes learned their taking off of head practices from the flying cup holders. Or the influence could have moved the other way. An interesting side note: the word package for this reversing of influence is vice verses. We translate it to mean "poems about bad things" such as are found in the human's Bible, a widespread writing about forces in the Cosmos that Martians have yet to encounter.
Another kind of vice verses, discovered 25 genuflects in the past by Professor N. O. Brothel and described in his paper, "Making Mouth Noises Called Poetry in Early Earthling Cultures" (genuflect 235,009), was a kind of written art form called limerickeys. A fragment of limerickey uncovered on the floor of a house where female earthlings lived in small groups and who sometimes took male earthlings on professioinal tours "around the world" follows:
There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose [ ]ic[ ] [ ]as so l[ ]ng h[ ] [ ]oul[ ] suck [_ _].
[_ _] [_]aid wit[ ] a grin
[ ]s he wip[_ _] off his [_ _]in,
If my e[_ _] was a qu[_ _], I wou[_ _] f[ _ _ _] i[_]!
Another interesting side note: some earthlings believed that flying cup holders came from space regions beyond our Martian Solar System when, as a matter of fact, we Martians know perfectly well they were used as as objects to tie coat flaps together by huge Earthlings, called giants, nearly 100 genuflects before the human species altered into accidental existence. They were called buttons.
By the way, the alteration process was called evilution by a peculiar species of people who supposedly lived with their heads up the places where their waste products came from. The human species of earthling beings are most interesting and illogical. The species called monkey are more easily understood.
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